The 2022 Ars Necronomica art exhibition,
The Visual Divine of the Dark Cosmos,
Here and Beyond, August 11-28
NecronomiCon Providence and the Lovecraft Arts & Science Council are pleased to Present Ars Necronomica: The Visual Divine of the Dark Cosmos Here and Beyond, an invited group exhibition at AS220’s Aborn Gallery (95 Empire Street, Providence, RI 02903).
Regular gallery hours: Thursdays-Saturdays, noon to 5pm
Convention hours: Wednesday-Sunday, noon to later hours TBA
Opening reception: Thursday August 18 from 6:00-8:00pm (final details pending)
The newest incarnation of the Ars Necronomica exhibit features a small, select collection of creative talent, combining the works of both invited artists and artists from within the NecronomiCon team and family. This work expands upon the already fantastical works of previous years, and further helps to define the Weird as an artform of remarkably imaginative visual power. We hope you find inspiration as you enter and explore our carefully assembled exhibit, to emerge changed and dazzled, and to see anew the city and the cosmos that wheel above us all. While curtailed in scope from past years, we expect this show to be as powerful and rewarding as any previous year.
2024 will see a return to a full exhibition with open submissions.
The 2022 Ars Necronomica features these remarkable artists:
2022 Artist Guest of Honor: Santiago Caruso
Ana Armengod
Jen Baker
Rodger Binyone
Alan Brown
Michael Bukowski
Joe Broers
Kristina Carroll
Victoria Dalpe
Rain Delmar
Tanya Finder
Jason Eckhardt
Marcelo Gallegos
Jay Gidwitz
Nick Gucker
Mike Knives
Jennifer Hrabota Lesser
Matthew Jaffe
Justine Jones
Amelia Leonards
Ryan Lesser
Karen Main
Max Martelli
Jason McKittrick
Karolina Mochniej
Gage Prentiss
Liv Rainey Smith
Reiko Murikami Rice
Renata Rojo
Tia Roxae
Josh Yelle
The Visual Divine of the Dark Cosmos, Here and Beyond will manifest itself this August 11-28 – we hope to see you there!
With love,
– Niels Hobbs, Mitchell McArtor, Jeanne D’Angelo, Michael Bukowski, Jennifer Hrabota-Lesser, Justine Jones, Skinner

For photos of prior year exhibitions and artwork, please check out this online catalog