The Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council is a nonprofit organization based in Providence, Rhode Island that serves as a networking center for scholars, authors, artists, and fans of the Weird literary world, inspired in part by Providence author H. P. Lovecraft and expanded upon by so many others. We strive to foster a vibrant and diverse global weird fiction and art community, and to provide a home for this community here in Providence. Our headquarters and store are located in the historic Arcade in the heart of downtown Providence.
We organize public educational events, such as our flagship NecronomiCon Providence – a biennial convention that explores the works of Lovecraft and other Weird authors and artists via talks, panel discussions, readings, and workshops. We also present events throughout the year, including lectures, walking tours, art exhibits, film screenings, plays, and concerts to highlight the worldwide weird and showcase Lovecraft’s hometown of Providence – a city that he honored and immortalized in the minds of countless individuals around the world.
Please visit our storefront info bureau and bookstore:
Lovecraft Arts & Sciences
Providence Arcade, suite 105
65 Weybosset St.
Providence, RI 02903
and online at
NecronomiCon Providence 2019 is organized by a cabal of close friends and associates:
Niels-Viggo Hobbs (arch director)
Catherine Grant (core programming)
Allison Rich (registration and hospitality)
Jessica Gorton (gaming)
Philip Gelatt (films)
Carmen Marusich (editorial)
Web Design and Development:
Studio Issa –
Jay Gidwitz
Stephanie Issa
Graphic Design/layout:
Mitchell McArtor
Chris Dalpe
Core Programming:
Catherine Grant (director)
sj bagley
Derrick Hussey
Farah Rose Smith
Ken Vaughn
Mrina Nikrad (academic speakers)
Dennis Quinn (Armitage Symposium chair)
Bill Carl (author readings)
Gaming Committee:
Jessica Gorton (director)
Rob Zannini
Vendor Coordinator:
Loren Sloan
Barry Dejasu
Minion Wrangler:
CJ Opperthauser
Sue Gervais
Lead Photographer:
Joshua Lapan
Donovan Loucks
Memento Book:
Victoria Dalpe
Justin Steele
Sam Cowan (layout)
Carmen Marusich (copy editing)
The joey Zone (art editor)
Arts Committee:
Jennifer Hrabota Lesser
Michelle Souliere
The joey Zone
Mitchell McArtor
Brian Mullen
Film Committee:
Phil Gelatt (director)
Brian Callahan
Gwen Callahan
Frank Difficult
Josh Gravel
Justine Johnson
Izzy Lee
Cody Goodfellow
Anthony Teth
Despina Durand (store / media)
Thomas Broadbent
Chris Dalpe
Benjamin Farr
Nancy Ferrante
Rebecca Paiva (Eldritch Ball director)
Eric Parks
Starry Wizdom