Open to the general public!
NecronomiCon Providence 2015 is proud to host a stunning array of some of the best booksellers, publishers, print artists, sculptors, jewelers, and general purveyors of top-tier weird. Scroll down for the latest list.
The vendor hall, dubbed the Lovecraft Grand Emporium, is a standalone show in the Rhode Island Convention Center (1 Sabin Street, Providence, RI 02903), directly adjacent to the panels rooms in the Omni Hotel. This is a very convenient locale that will allow all the vendors to be grouped together in a central spot, with open access by the general public. We will be promoting this as a public event, which will mean increased foot traffic and increased sales. Access is free to all convention pass holders, and $5 for general public admission.
Emporium hours:
Thursday – Noon to 430pm.
Friday & Saturday – 10am to 6pm
Sunday – 11am to 5pm
VENDORS (updated 15 August, 2015):
Cellar Stories
Dim Shores
Fedogan & Bremer Books
Fenham Publishing
Paul Ganley Books
Hippocampus Press
Lovecraft eZine
Necronomicon Press
Darrel Schweitzer
House on the Borderland Books
Anya Martin
The Shadow out of Providence
Word Horde
Martian Migraine Press
Feral House Publishing
Ulthar Press / PS Publishing
Perilous Press
New England Horror Writers
Christina Rodriguez
Assoc. of Rhode Island Authors
Visual Artists
Brett Gray Art
Aaron Archer
Michael Bukowski
Jason Eckhardt
Brian Elig
Nick Gucker
James Quigley – GunSho
Allen Koszowski
Jason Thompson – Mockman Press
Greg Rebis
Josh Yelle – Pencilmancer
Abigail Larson
Ron Wells, tattooist
Art by Ogmios
Robert Knox
Art Muffin
Those Unknowable
House of Gozer
Dave Felton / Cthulhu Commune
The American Eldritch Society
NecronomiCon Providence
Rhode Island Historical Society
The Robert E Howard Foundation
WaterFire Providence
Merchants & Miscellaneous
Arkham Bazaar
Burke & Hare Co
Detroit Leather Company
H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
Detroit Leather Company
Matthew Hill
Narragansett Brewery
Pnakotic Atlas
Penny Dreadful
Tandy Leather
Glenn Webber
RadioTheatre NYC
Sculptors & Jewelers
Joe Broers
Lawrence Elig
Feeping Creatures
Gravestone Girls
Gage Prentiss
Shoggoth Assembly
Mike Knives
Daupo – David Gassaway
Noadi Art
Raven Eve
Temple Games
Call of Catthulhu
Dystopia Rising
Reality A Games
The Unquiet Void
Yuggoth Records
Prospective vendors: We are now officially FULL, but as final vendors submit their payments, we will add to a wait-list vendors who sell particularly desirable and eldritch wares — with emphasis on quality book and art sellers. If you’re a prospective vendor interested in being added to this list, please contact our vendor coordinator at