Each time slot generally includes time for questions and a 10-15 minute break before the next set of panels and talks.
8:00am – 9:00am
AUTHOR READINGS: Alan Dean Foster (L’Apogee 17, Biltmore)
8:00am – 9:15am
Emerging Scholarship Symposium: What’s Love (and sex, and art, and humor) got to do with it? (Garden Room, Biltmore) From gender identity to jokes, contemplating our image of Lovecraft
“One life–Ephraim, Asenath, and Edward:” Attempting to Untangle the Mind, Body, and Phallus in Lovecraft’s “The Thing on the Doorstep” | Zack Rearick, Georgia State University
The Shadow of His Smile: Humour in H.P. Lovecraft | Stephen Walker, Independent Researcher
The Shadow Out of the Outsider: Lovecraft’s Identity | Jesus Emmanuel Navarro-Stefanon, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico)
Monstrous Modernism: Lovecraft’s Theory of the Aesthetic in Modernity | Jason Ray Carney, Case Western Reserve University
9:00am – 10:30pm
THE UNNAMEABLE HORROR (Thurber Ballroom, Hotel Providence)
So often in Lovecraft’s fiction is the horror described as “unnameable”. This presents a problem for artists and filmmakers: how do you draw/paint/film something that is indescribable? Our panelists try to tackle this problem by showing how they’ve responded to the challenge. (Jason Eckhardt, Bob Eggleton, Stuart Gordon, Sean Branney, Wilum Pugmire, Allen Koszowski, Andrew Leman, Bob Knox – mod.)
In the years following his death, Lovecraft received little critical attention. That all changed, however, and this panel looks at some of the reasons why and the milestones of Lovecraft literary criticism. (S.T. Joshi, Steve Mariconda, Peter Cannon – mod.)
AUTHOR READINGS: Laird Barron, Joe Pulver (L’Apogee 17, Biltmore)
9:30am – 10:45am
E.S.S.: Lovecraft in Late- and Post- Modern Studies (Garden Room / Biltmore) Explorations in semiotics, post-structural linguistics, existentialism, and eco-criticism
“‘Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R‘lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn’: The Language of Lovecraft” | Alex Houstoun, Independent Researcher
Dagon and Derrida – Lovecraft’s Texts and Postmodernity | Lyle Enright, Loyola University of Chicago
I and Cthulhu: Using the Dialogic Ontology of Martin Buber to Evaluate HP Lovecraft’s Materialist Cosmic Dread | Daniel Holmes, Salve Regina University
Thinking Ecocritically: A Look at Embodiment and Nature in H.P. Lovecraft | Cory Willard, University of Waterloo (Canada)
10:30am – Noon
SHOOT IT! HOW DO YOU MAKE AN HPL FILM? (Thurber Ballroom, Hotel Providence)
Some of the best Lovecraftian movies have been independent films. But how did they do it? And, more importantly, how can YOU do it? Find out at this panel of filmmakers who have “been there, filmed that”. (Stuart Gordon, Mars Homeworld, Tom Gliserman, Jovanka Vuckovic , Andrew Leman, Chris Lackey, Sean Branney – mod.)
No writer exists in a vacuum. Lovecraft was influenced by several authors including Poe, Dunsany, Machen, Blackwood and others. We discuss these influences and how they shaped Lovecraft’s works. (Wilum Pugmire, Joe Pulver, S.T. Joshi, Faye Ringel, Robert Waugh, Dennis Paoli, Darrell Schweitzer- mod.)
AUTHOR READINGS: Lois Gresh, Jonathan Thomas (L’Apogee 17, Biltmore)
11:00am – 12:00pm
E.S.S.: Beyond the Esoteric Order: Gaia, Churches, and Aliens, oh my! (Garden Room, Biltmore) Rationalism, Anti-Rationalism, Spirituality, and Religion in Lovecraft Studies
Lovecraft’s Monsters: Rationalism, Anti-Rationalism and Lovecraftian Modernity |
Justin Woodman, Goldsmiths College (United Kingdom)
It’s Only Dark Because You Can’t See: A Posthuman Look at Lovecraft’s Cosmology | Cody Jones, University of Chicago
Lovecraftian Religions – Yesterday, Today, & When the Stars are Right |
Dennis P. Quinn, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Noon – 1:00pm LUNCH
Grab something light in the Biltmore (drinks and snacks available outside the Grand Ballroom) or a pizza at the Hotel Providence, check out the food trucks on Kennedy Plaza, or sit down at one of several nearby restaurants.
1:00pm – 2:30pm
THE CTHULHU MYTHOS (Thurber Ballroom, Hotel Providence)
Arguably one of Lovecraft’s most powerful and enduring creations but just what is the Cthulhu Mythos? What beings belong to it? What stories are Mythos and which are not? And why, 70 years after Lovecraft’s death, do writers still feel compelled to add to it? (Will Murray, Bob Price, Tom Lynch, Cody Goodfellow, Mike Davis – mod.)
THE NEW WEIRD (Garden Room, Biltmore)
Recent years have seen a new trend in horror fiction called ‘The New Weird’. What is it and what does it mean? Join several of today’s authors in a discussion about this new trend and find out if it’s even a trend at all! (Peter Rawlik, Lois Gresh, Joe Pulver, Jonathan Thomas, Laird Barron, Richard Gavin, Jason Brock – mod)
S.T. JOSHI INTERVIEW (Grand Ballroom, Biltmore)
Considered the world’s leading authority on Lovecraft, join us for a special, one-on-one talk with S.T. Joshi. Learn about how he discovered Lovecraft and why he has devoted so much of his life to furthering our understanding of HPL and weird fiction. (S.T. Joshi, Steve Mariconda, interviewer)
INNSMOUTH POETS’ POOL – poetry corner (L’Apogee 17, Biltmore)
Poets Are The Deep Ones. Although they use pen quills rather than sea gills, Lovecraftian poets plumb depths of horror and the Sublime unknown to mere mortals. Jump into The Innsmouth Poets’ Pool and join The Deep Ones during the scheduled poetry hours during Necronomicon 2013. Poets wishing to share their work, or fans wishing to read their favorite dark and Lovecraftian poems and verses, can sign up for 20-minute slots. Featured readers’ names will be posted online and at the event. Open slots of time will be used for “round robin” readings (everyone taking turns reading one poem at a time), with the final segment of each session reserved for chat and book signing.
To sign on for poetry, to see a listing of available time slots, and for further info via a contact email, please follow this link:
1:00pm – 3:00pm
WORKSHOP: Let’s Make a Movie! Aim for the Guts, Shoot for the Moon (Second Floor, 95 Empire)
This will be the most dynamic two hours of your entire weekend! Remember yesterday’s workshop with Hellbender Media, where we plotted out the short Lovecraftian movie we’ll make here at NecronomiCon? In the next two hours, we’ll shoot it. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be on a guerrilla filmmaking crew, then let us be the first to say “Here, hold this and run screaming until you hear us yell CUT!” In case you’re worried — you don’t have to have attended either Thursday or Friday’s workshops — but it helps a LOT because you’ll hit the ground running and save yourself a bit of madness. Assuming madness is… undesired.
2:30pm – 4:00pm
FOUR COLOR HORROR: HPL IN COMICS (Thurber Ballroom, Hotel Providence)
Lovecraft has a long history in comics and this panel examines some of the best, and worst, that the medium has to offer. Looks at works from the underground comic, SKULL, through the current BOOM comics CTHULHU comics as well as Lovecraftian touches in comics like DR. STRANGE. (Larry Latham, Kelly Young, Bob Knox, Jason Thompson, Will Murray – mod.)
HPL ALL-STARS (Grand Ballroom, Biltmore)
Joshi! Price! Mariconda! Cannon! Faig! All legendary names in Lovecraft scholarship. These mighty forces comes together for a once-in-a-lifetime conversation about Lovecraft and weird fiction. (Jason Brock – mod.)
AUTHOR READINGS: Caitlin Kiernan, John Langan (L’Apogee 17, Biltmore)
4:00pm – 5:30pm
WRITING MYTHOS FICTION TODAY, Part Two (Thurber Ballroom, Hotel Providence)
How difficult, or easy, is it to write Mythos fiction today? What does the Mythos mean to new writers and how do they approach it? (Vincent O’Neil, Dan Mills, Simon Strantzas, Jonathan Thomas, J.R. Hamantaschen, Lois Gresh – mod.)
5:30pm – 7:00pm
H.P. PODCRAFT LIVE! (Thurber Ballroom, Hotel Providence)
Live podcast with the lads: Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey. Come and join in.