NecronomiCon Providence 2024 is proud to host a stunning array of some of the best booksellers, publishers, print artists, sculptors, jewelers, and general purveyors of top-tier weird. Below, we will post the full list as it develops
The vendor hall, dubbed the Grand Emporium of Weird, is a standalone show in the Narragansett Ballroom at the Omni Hotel (1 W. Exchange Street, 02903). Access is free to all convention pass holders, and $5 for general public admission.
Emporium hours (proposed):
Thursday – closed for vendor set-up 11-4pm
Friday – 11am to 6pm (Golden Keys and Silver Keys get early admission at 10am)
Saturday – 10am to 6pm
Sunday – 11am to 4pm
If you are interested in having a table to vend your wares – whether an artist of any sort, bookseller, games supplier, eldritch brick-a-brack merchant, etc, etc… at this year’s GRAND EMPORIUM OF WEIRD, please fill out this form to express your interest.
The core dates of the convention are Thursday August 15 to Sunday August 18, 2024 – and we currently anticipate the following hours:
Thursday – closed for vendor set-up 11-4pm
Friday – 11am to 6pm (Golden Keys and Silver Keys get early admission at 10am)
Saturday – 10am to 6pm
Sunday – 11am to 4pm
Booksellers, Publishers, and Producers
Arkham House / Derleth Society
Atomic Overmind Press
Matthew M Bartlett, author / Gare Occult
Rick Claypool, author
Budget Shakespeare Aspirations
Cosmic Horror Monthly
Fenham Publishing
Helios House Press
Hippocampus Books
Kathmandu Books
Peter J Larrivee, author
Lethe press
Necronomicon Press
New England Horror Writers
Perilous Press
Darrell Schweitzer
We Are Providence
Weird Fiction Quarterly
Weird House Press
Wicked Creative
Yuggoth Records
Illustrative Artists
Angel Bomb
Art of Danielle Draik
Black Rabbit Curiosities
Bob Eggleton
Jason Eckhardt
Brett Gray Art
Dean Kuhta
Grey Cross
Jennifer Hrabota Lesser
Ryan Lesser
Machine Room Productions
Nick the Hat
Seventh Church Ministries
Sculptors and Jewelers
Black Book Sculpts
Crochet Me Curios
Dogzilla Lives!
Lee Joyner
Mike Knives
Billy Martin
Rumtucket Trading Company
Ultra T Studios
Merchants and Miscellaneous
Alchemy Works
Arkham Bazaar
H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
Deadwick’s Ethereal Emporium
Holy Crow
Noadi’s Art Original Creations
Owlkeyme Arts
Team Manticore
NecronomiCon Official Merch
Horror Writers Association
Lovecraft eZine
Narragansett Brewery
The Outer Dark
Gaming Publishers, Creators, and Sellers
Bayt al Azif
Black Oak Workshop
The Cursed Dice Company**
Goodman Games
Reality A Games
RobbyLAVA Games**
Spawn Point Miniatures**
Spear Witch
Stygian Fox Publishing
(**these gaming vendors will be set up in the Graduate Hotel gaming area on the top floors)
Questions?: If you are someone who sell particularly desirable and eldritch wares — with emphasis on quality book and art sellers, please contact us to be added to the list — or if you have any questions about this vendor hall, please email
We are now working on finalizing the vendor line-up, after receiving LOTS of great submissions.
The list of Merchants, Artists, Publishers, etc, who will be part of this year’s Grand Emporium of Weird, will be shared here …
Here’s the update we emailed out to those folks we’d heard from (email sent 21 April):
Thank you for your interest in having a vendor table with us at NecronomiCon this year. Thank you, too, for your tremendous patience waiting for us to get back to you all. We recognize that you all need to make substantial plans for your year and we’re keeping that respectfully in mind as we begin to finally nail down our vendor list for this August. I am proud to say that we’re looking to be a bit ahead of the curve compared to previous years. I anticipate we’ll have a largely final list out to you all (and posted publicly) within the next couple weeks – certainly by mid-May.
For now, if you’ve worked with us before, you’ll likely get the call-up once again. But, we’re also keen to get some new faces in, so if you’re applying for the first time this year, we’ll be glad to review your wares and consider you for addition to our line-up.
PLEASE NOTE – *space is very limited* and we are thus pretty selective of who we invite – we like to see new faces, but also love many of the folks we’ve worked with regularly over the years, and we work hard to “curate” a line-up that works well with the convention overall. Please note that by signing up, this does NOT guarantee you a spot.
Also, as we’ve all got actual day jobs, we greatly appreciate your patience in communicating with us. We always strive to get the word out about updates, etc, as soon as we can, and always hope to respond to you all, but we appreciate whatever kindness and patience you can manage if we don’t respond as fast as you’d like. Thank you!
Love, the NecronomiCon Vendor staff –